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Company Profile

If you have a new company that is starting its first steps, you need to design a profile for it Or if your company or organization has an old profile with a profile that does not reflect all the services or business that the company offers So I will design and create your profile with professionalism, accuracy and high quality - A number of 8 pages, as a comprehensive start of two profiles, a face, or one brochure 1- Add photos to the profile. 2- Add victors to the design. 3- 2 day modifications 4- The chosen language - The delivery is in PDF format You have full control over the content, you can add, delete, and modify.
SKU: BR003
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    Old price: 300.000 د.ك.‏
    219.300 د.ك.‏
    i h

    We provide distinguished services for companies from developing and working

    Attractive, professional envelope

    Submit the file (Indesign), (photoshop) and attach with it the design extensions of lines, pictures and tables if available

    Highly professional page design per page